In 'Manikya Kallu', directed by M Mohanan of 'Katha Parayumbol' fame, Prithviraj will do the role of a school teacher. The film revolves around Vinaya Chandran, a school teacher who gets transferred to a remote village. The theme of the film is reportedly the relationship between a teacher and his students.
The female lead of the film has not been finalised. The rest of the cast includes Innocent, Salim Kumar, Mukesh, Jagathy, Kottayam Nazeer, Jagadeesh and K P A C Lalitha.
Tags: Prithviraj in 'Manikya Kallu'
The female lead of the film has not been finalised. The rest of the cast includes Innocent, Salim Kumar, Mukesh, Jagathy, Kottayam Nazeer, Jagadeesh and K P A C Lalitha.
Tags: Prithviraj in 'Manikya Kallu'
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